2012 Season Catch-Up — Molter Family Orchards

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We look forward to hearing from you and will get back with you shortly!

6740 North Branch Rd
Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022


Fresh certified organic fruit and vegetables, as well as fresh pressed cider (in season). We are a CSA and invite you to visit us at our farm! We offer a no-pressure, educational environment for you to enjoy.


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2012 Season Catch-Up

Gerah Dutkiewicz

Why hello there!

The 2012 season is well underway and what a season of ups & downs and ups!  March brought us many record setting warm days which led to early tree production. April brought us a number of hard freezes, which ultimately led to the loss of most tree fruit (don't count us out for apples, though!). The sadness the frost brought has been softened by the joy our new daughter, Helen, brings us  [:)]  She's Aaron's little farmer-in-training! Speaking of Aaron, he has been very busy since February with planning, planting, growing and harvesting vegetables and fruit for our CSA. I'm convinced we have the BEST CSA MEMBERS EVER!!! Aaron and I have had fun preparing their shares each week and enjoy hearing what delicious meals and desserts our members have made from their fresh produce. We only have a few shares left and veggie production is starting to heat up providing more variety! 

The strawberries are looking especially awesome this season! We are currently not expecting to have u-pick but they are included in our CSA and we hope to have quantity available for sale soon (I'd recommend checking out out the People's Food Co-op as early as 6/16-6/17, hint hint).

I'll try to give an update every few weeks! Contact us with any questions! 

Eat healthy, be healthy,
